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Building Faith Across Borders: Empowering Myanmar’s House Church Leaders through Virtual Training

Our sessions are more than lessons; they are collaborative exchanges, rich with the sharing of wisdom and the overcoming of challenges unique to the Myanmar context. Each Zoom call resonates with the spirit of fellowship, echoing through the valleys and rivers of this diverse land.

The impact is tangible. Leaders emerge from our training equipped not only with theological understanding but also with practical skills to shepherd their congregations. They learn to navigate the complexities of leading a spiritual family, fostering growth and resilience among believers.

Our vision is expansive. With every session, we’re sowing seeds for a future where every believer in Myanmar can flourish in faith. We invite you to be part of this story. Your support, be it through prayer, resources, or sharing our mission, extends the reach of this vital training. Together, we can witness the strengthening of the body of Christ, one house church at a time.


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