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First Steps and Faith Journeys: A Christmas Reflection

As the Christmas season wraps around us, Elaine and I reflect on our first year of marriage, a time that’s brought our separate families into one. Though our children and grandchildren live in their own homes and throughout the South, they’re always close in our hearts, particularly during the holidays.

Aden, our littlest grandchild, is taking his first steps. Each wobble and giggle under the glow of twinkling Christmas lights is a gift, a reminder of the season’s wonder and the pure joy of new experiences.

In our mission, prayer is our guiding star, much like the one on that holy night. It protects our team, provides for our needs, and ensures our perseverance, just as we trust it to watch over each tentative step Aden takes.


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Christmas, we ask for your prayers for our family and for the unreached people we serve. Your prayers wrap around us and those we reach out to, just like the peace and goodwill of the season. Together, with faith as our cornerstone, we continue to stride forward in our mission, inspired by the same spirit of hope that Aden embodies in his every step.

As God leads, please CLICK HERE to give a one-time gift or monthly commitment financially to help us push back the darkness with Jesus – the light of the world. Over 26% of the world has never heard His name and you can partner with us to change their eternal story.


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